AutoCAD software from Autodesk, used in the field of construction and engineering, appeared a long time ago. And it becomes more popular and in-demand every year, thanks to the fact that the developers are constantly improving it. Therefore, if you are interested in optimizing your work processes and taking them to the next professional level, be sure to check it out
Where can I buy AutoCAD software for cheap price?
How can I buy AutoCAD with the lowest prices?
You have several ways to save money – buy AutoCAD. For example, you can buy this program on the official website. You will be charged $ 210 monthly when you purchase a monthly subscription. If you buy AutoCAD for a year or three years, the monthly subscription cost will be only $ 141 and $ 127, respectively. You can save a lot of money by buying this software for a longer period.
Or you can visit our website , which will provide you with all the information you need to buy the legal version of buy AutoCAD with a discount of up to 70% off the price of the official website!
or you can buy autocad on the most known authorized reseller
Why is it profitable for you to buy autocad using our website?
The answer is straightforward – buy autocad from obhsoftwares- we are always aware of where promotions and discounts occur. Our managers monitor stores, marketplaces, websites, forums, and blogs non-stop. Therefore, using our site’s services, you will save your money and time!
Obh softwares will help you buy autocad and choose exactly the product that will meet your exact needs and requirements. For example, you can save very well by buying an old version of AutoCAD at a lower price if you are satisfied with its limited functionality. And if you want to work with the latest version of AutoCAD, then our site will be happy to help you buy autocad with a big discount!
What is AutoCAD?

Many developers are increasingly choosing buy AutoCAD as the basic graphics platform for creating programs for construction, geodesy, architecture, engineering analysis systems, and mechanical engineering. This popular CAD program is aimed at professional designers and engineers and has long been used to create 2D drawings and 3D models. AutoCAD is available in 18 languages, making it comfortable to work with it worldwide. Also, users have already been able to appreciate the excellent advanced collaboration system in AutoCAD – now, the whole team can work on one large project at the same time!
This program’s well-thought-out interface and broad functionality make it one of the most popular software in the CAD world. When purchasing a licensed version of AutoCAD, you receive regular updates and support, a large set of advanced tools, and most importantly, reliability!
Since 1982, AutoCAD has become one of the first “electronic drawing boards” and continues to hold these positions today. However, of course, certain changes have occurred to it that have significantly expanded the capabilities of this software.
If in earlier versions of AutoCAD users could use only some simple graphic objects like lines, arcs, circles, and text, now AutoCAD can be used to get more complex objects, working, for example, with layers. The program allows you to work with xrefs, splitting the drawing into compound files, which speeds up interaction with developers. Also, thanks to dynamic blocks, the possibility of 2D design was implemented, and now users who do not know programming can do it.
Where are the main features of AutoCAD used?

It is worth noting that AutoCAD now allows you to dynamically link drawings with real cartographic data and also supports two-dimensional parametric drawing. Also, a distinctive feature of AutoCAD is its support for 3D modeling and rendering system. Using this program, users can also work with the results of 3D scans and manage 3D printing.
And some more features of AutoCAD are described below:
- Ability to create and analyze complex three-dimensional objects using tools for working with arbitrary shapes.
- Creation of layouts of projects using a personal 3D printer or specialized 3D printing services.
- Creating repeating elements with variable parameters without the need to redraw them is possible using dynamic blocks. It is also possible to work with a library of elements.
- Using the scaling of annotative objects in model space or viewports.
- Working with macros is possible even for users without programming experience. A defined sequence of commands, input values , and operations can be recorded and saved for future use by pressing the play button. This allows you to speed up the work of a specific user and use such macros in teamwork.
- All necessary information such as drawing sheets, automatic views, decals, and stamps is optimally organized using the sheet set manager.
- The use of simple three-dimensional navigation tools is implemented in AutoCAD. Switching between standard and isometric views is done using the ViewCube tool. And quick access to commands for zooming, panning, and centering, as well as orbiting, is realized using the Wheel Menu.
- Working with named views, organized in the category of animated sequences in the current drawing, is done using the motion animator tool.
- It is very convenient to customize AutoCAD for the needs of a particular industry with changing the default settings for the workspace, drawing templates, and other functionality.
What are the benefits of new and older versions of AutoCAD?
So, which versions of AutoCAD are still relevant today? I suggest that you familiarize yourself with them in more detail in order to understand which version is right for you! Perhaps the lack of some functionality will not critically affect your work, and you can buy older versions of AutoCAD at the lowest prices.
Autodesk AutoCAD 2023
Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 is the newest version of the popular program. Thanks to the use of new technologies, the graphics performance has been improved in this version. Moreover, this affected both 2D and 3D modes. Accordingly, working with 2D drawings and 3D models will become not only faster, but also more convenient. Let’s take a closer look at what other new features and benefits await the user in this version of AutoCAD:
- Improved block palette
If you have an Autodesk account and cloud storage like Box, DropBox, Onedrive, then you can use the latest block library from anywhere. Indeed, in this version, special attention was paid to improvements in the block palette. By the way, you can also update the block library from any device if you sync it with the cloud storage.
- Improved drawings comparison
Now, if the user wants to display any changes while working in the loaded xref, it is convenient to do so by updating the xrefs manager. Circled revision clouds will appear, showing all the changes made on that link.
- Mark clouds
In this version, revision clouds have become a separate item and are configured through the properties panel.
- DWG Magazine
Now you can view and compare previous versions of the file, which were saved in the cloud storage Onedrive, Box and DropBox. All differences are highlighted and circled in revision clouds, and you can see not only the modification time but also the author who made the changes to the file.
- Enhanced Extend and Crop commands
The user only needs to select the part of the line that needs to be lengthened or shortened, and the border will be selected automatically. Alternatively, you can continue to use the old extension/crop feature by setting the TRIMEXTENDMODE variable to 0.
- Measuring distances and areas
New command “Measure” – “Fast” measures the perimeter and area of space in a split second. At the same time, it is also possible to get a common perimeter and area for several spaces at once by holding down the SHIFT key.
Use this new command to split a line, a polyline or arc into two objects at the specified point
Autodesk AutoCAD 2022

Distinctive functional features of Autodesk AutoCAD 2022 are:
- Changes in working with the blocks palette
The visual appearance of the blocks’ preview has been improved. Also searching and inserting multiple blocks is faster thanks to the Repeat Placement option.
- Purge Redesign
The Clear feature has been enhanced with add-ons that make it easier and faster to organize and clean up your drawing. The orientation has also been changed and it is now possible to change the Preview area.
- Fast geometry measurement with the Quick Measure option
This version of AutoCAD has pleased with the new extension of the MEASUREGEOM command. Thanks to the Quick Measure option, a quick view of dimensions, distances, and even angles in 2D drawing is realized.
- Work with multileader styles
This progam version now lets you not only set standards for layers, linetypes, dimensions, and text, but also check standards for multileader styles with the Standards dialog box.
- Improved security
The user will be notified whether the upload of ObjectARX programs to the Internet or remote servers is allowed thanks to SECUREREMOTEACCESS.
- Enhanced DWG comparison
It is now easier to work with two drawings as all changes in the drawings are now highlighted. This greatly simplifies the process of editing and comparing them.
- Improved 3D translators.
Translators now support Creo 6.0, SolidEdge 2019, Rhino 6.0 and others, as well as some 3D formats that are not supported by Autodesk.
- Interaction with layers
Now you can add hatches, center marks, and text to a specific layer.
- Optimized interface.
Improved light and dark theme, which added convenience when working with the program with better clarity.
Autodesk AutoCAD 2021
AutoCAD 2021 has great functionality for a fairly low price. One of the distinctive features is that now it is impossible to purchase a new subscription for any “vertical” version of AutoCAD. That is, the One AutoCAD product appeared, consisting of basic buy AutoCAD 2021, mobile AutoCAD, AutoCAD web application and 7 specialized tools, namely:
- Electrical (formerly AutoCAD Electrical)
- Mechanical (formerly AutoCAD Mechanical)
- Raster Design (formerly AutoCAD Raster Design)
- MEP (formerly AutoCAD MEP)
- Architecture (formerly AutoCAD Architecture)
- Map 3D (formerly AutoCAD Map 3D)
- Plant 3D (formerly AutoCAD Plant 3D)
That is, starting from this version it is impossible to buy one product from the AutoCAD family, you can only buy all products at once in the form of a set.
This version fixes bugs and shortcomings of previous versions and also improves the performance of processing external files. Let’s look at what other improvements and innovations AutoCAD 2021 has:
- Ability to work with AutoCAD on any device
An undoubted convenience is the ability to work from anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. AutoCAD is available not only from a computer but also through mobile devices and the web. Autodesk Web & Mobile lets you not only open but also save drawings online.
- Improved projects exchange.
This version implements the ability to demonstrate projects by sending a link for viewing in a web browser. Previously, you had to submit drawing files, which was time-consuming and inconvenient. Now employees and clients can view the design of your drawing, as well as comment on it. This is made possible thanks to The Shared Views feature, which first extracts design data from your drawing and then save it in the cloud.
- Improved Architecture toolset.
Optimized work with Architecture toolset by adding DWG Compare for industry-specific objects.
- Adding The UI Finder
The helper, now added to most of the dialog box topics, will help you find your command even faster.
- User interface and icons
In this version, tool palettes and themes for toolbars were integrated. Also, work with high-resolution monitors is optimized, etc.

How to get AutoCAD for free?
Autodesk is interested in the popularization and widespread use of its software. That is why teachers and students can get free access to both teaching materials and the AutoCAD program itself or other programs from the Autodesk Education plan. Access is single-user and allows you to work with the classic program, its mobile and web versions, as well as with cloud storage. And this is an excellent opportunity to use expensive software absolutely free of charge for 3 years!
Please note that the sale of new subscriptions with multi-user access has been discontinued starting August 7, 2020. Now only stand-alone licenses with single-user access will be available, which costs less than subscriptions with multi-user access.
By the way, most Autodesk products, including buy AutoCAD, offer a free trial version. Thanks to this, the user can use the product for 30 days.
You can make your workflows faster and more productive with Autodesk AutoCAD. Choose the version of AutoCAD that is right for you, and our website will help you buy it at a significant discount!
We have all autodesk products Lifetime Activation :
AutoCAD 2021 – AutoCAD 2022 – AutoCAD 2023
AutoCAD 2022 MACOS – AutoCAD 2023 MACOS